Delta Dunia Group Receives Shareholders’ Approvals to Change Name to BUMA International Group

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Delta Dunia Group, melalui BUMA International, Setuju untuk Mengakuisisi Kepemilikan Saham Mayoritas atas Tambang Batubara Dawson Complex

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Jelajahi Life at Delta Dunia Group

BUMA International Group: Shaping the Future of Mining

BUMA International Group, previously known as Delta Dunia Group, stands at the forefront of innovation and excellence in the mining industry. Our dynamic portfolio encompasses leading mining services in Indonesia and Australia, delivering value to major corporations and enriching the surrounding communities. This is further enhanced by our advanced mining technology company and our socially-focused enterprise. Beyond mining, we are committed to cultivating resilient, sustainable communities and nurturing enduring partnerships within the industry.

Our commitment is steadfast: to mine responsibly and uphold excellence, create job opportunities, and empower communities, thereby delivering value to all stakeholders. With our sights set on a future beyond coal, we are proactively reducing our thermal coal footprint in collaboration with our customers, employees, and communities. As a committed corporate citizen, BUMA International Group is at the forefront of driving positive change, redefining standards of excellence in the energy sector, and building a lasting, sustainable legacy.

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